Monday, May 23, 2011

♥ROASTERS Chicken Run'11 for Charity♥

Janelle Ong
Woots~The ROASTERS Chicken Run is back.This time I'm participate together with my cousin they all.The very first time join this kind of outsider's event since my family's company are F&B and was their supplier,so that we need to support them absolutely.This year KRR's company change venue to Sunway Pyramid,in aid of National Kidney Foudation.There are *Freebies provide by them once we register only at RM5O for adult and RM40something for kids.I can tell you is really Worth as I mentioned on last article.

So,woke up at early of 6.30a.m,then dressed up the RCR T-shirt which provide by KRR.Then drive 2 car since cousin after that need fetch her friends so I drive myself to there.Reached there almost 7.30a.m.Then went there to meet others of my cousins.Total up of us have about 9peoples who participate on it.Apparently we are actually Late to register at the counter.When we wanna to found our counter and the category A&B are actually started.LOL,so me and jessey's cousin gave up and accompany the kids which only run for 2.4km.Hahaha.*Save Energy,haha=D

So Let enjoy the picha while I'll telling the story to you=)

Ignored my ugly face=(
Lack of sleep
The RCC's Logo
My Number=)* B0506
So we reach every category's counter to redeem our Sunway water park's ticket and the ice-cream with egg and caused us late=(
Me and cousin jessey
Cousins sister:Mei teng,zhi qi and joe yee
Mr Chicken?lol
So all the category is started and left category F.We walk to the START point and we're actually follow them run too,so before that,MC are repeating the rules and regulations.
He said:Do not push your friends,Jangan menolak,nanti jatuh,kena luka.haha...
MC:Are you ready?
MC:Ready and Go...
Then all of us run,I can said that the kids include my others cousins are so fierce like a bull*
Me and my cousin jessey also can't beyond them>. the both mum and daughter are so sweet.Hold hand and run together.*Jealous=) At first I run while then walk while some more stomachache since long time din exercise and haven take breakfast at all,is really hard even just the 2.4km,don't say 2.4km la,I think 1km also hard for me...but I didn't give up but keep going...*Claps for myself,haha=)
And finally I reached the FINISH point,yeah=)
Of course need to clap for ourself since everyone are so persist to run till the end...=D
*Good Job
Finish Point
Congratulation to Joeyee and zhiqi
The Certificate by Kenny Rogers Roaster's Company,thanks lot=)
After finish we have a sit and rest,so tiring,my face also red red dy,get sun burnt>.<
Having cold-cold Isotonic'H-TWO-O'which the sponsor us beverage
After that we back parking to take our stuff since we gonna move to Sunway Lagoon after this
We get MILO drink too
Prizes Time but the winner not us>.<
The MC so entao,lol
You can see the people are line up to go in Sunway Lagoon
Lucky Draw Time
32inch&42inch LCD TV
The 2 baby are so lucky=)
Since there are lots of people are lining up to go in Sunway Lagoon and ofcourse we are not stupid to crowded with them.So we decided to have our lunch/brunch at KRR's restaurant just inside the Sunway Pyramid.Still need to line up for seat but just wait for awhile.As I mentioned that the meal is already include into Freebies so the Kenny Quarter Meal are Free*
Just show the coupon to them
Cousin Brother:Wei Wong,Shy*lol
Yea and peace

Chocolate's Muffins is a Must in KRR
Kenny Quarter Meal is so damn Delicious+Healthy and Fat are totally Free *So hungry now>.<''
Roaster Chicken+Beans+Salads+Potatos
After our lunch then move our ass to Sunway Lagoon's main entrance and start our games=)
Not much pictures in the water park cause I just know to play...There are also performance at the stage near the beach,Shean,LJ,dancers with Captain Quak and Ladies Quak who dance and sing along,nice...
Mei Wah,ah mei
Time past really fast and comes to 4something and we move to visit 'Wild Life Park'
See picture=)
A show
The staff explaining to us
Forgot the name
This is Bobby I think
Sarawak's Bird
Its having lunch while we visit them
Flamingo?It only eat fish's head>.<
I'm so hungry huh?
Then we move to Amusement Park*Teapot's games
While waiting*we keep turn turn and turn,dizzy@@
Then we move to bathroom to clean up and dressed up nicely since we have next round movie at Suway pyramid,I can said that Sunway is our second home,the 1st time stay there about 15hours,OMG>.<
Next headed to cinema floor to grab ticket,we watched 'Ven Jian Zhen'

The way they go to Japan*5times failed and no.6 they success=)
a monk cartoon movie,someone can fall asleep since dunno what the storyline about but for me is okay,my cousin jessey funny lor said she just understand the monks keep say wanna go '东渡~东渡~' only and my rest cousins all fall asleep>.<''*waste money!If you interested in history you can watch it if not don't waste money since you're not interested at all.In fact this movie really meaningful,morality and awesome.

So before movie,we went Wong Kok have our dinner and Starbucks too,I still prefer Mocha Fruppucino,we have the coupons so all are free=)
Jessey still hungry after eating,we too=(
Wei wong tired till fall asleep in the restaurant after he finish his dinner,wahaha...he never sleep whole night before
Mei Wah cousins so hungry till she eat the Spareribs till so clean..lolzAfter bill and take away Starbuck and move to cinema,finish movie at 10p.m then home sweet home
And today I got muscle pain,ish>.<fml.
Done this article and gonna move to bed since my whole body are freaking pain!
Tomorrow 12p.m lecture class only...
Night and sweet dream..=)

Posted by: Janelle

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